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Baby Leaf Blend – Approx. 1,250 sds/pkt. Multicoloured extravaganza! Very tender, sweet, succulent greens with unique colour, shape and taste from our own special blend. Contains lettuces: Grand Rapids, Royal Red, Oakleaf, Salad Bowl, Ruby Red, Prizehead, Buttercrunch and Romaine as well as Spinach and Ciccoria Catalogna. 


Bibb — Approx. 1,250 sds/pkt. Loved for its deep green, shaded leaves that have a tender, yet crispy crunch and a distinctly sweet, creamy flavour. Matures as small, compact, bunched rosettes. Excellent for early spring or late summer sowing.


Buttercrunch — Approx. 1,900 sds/pkt. A medium green, long standing variety. The crisp, thick leaves are sweet and tender and free from any hint of bitterness. Hidden within the enticing outer leaves is the beautiful “buttery heart”.


Grand Rapids — Approx. 1,900 sds/pkt. Heirloom. The ruling Monarch of the leaf lettuce family since its introduction in the late 1800’s! Crispy, succulent, light green leaves are lightly crinkled and possess a fine delicate taste. This is an excellent variety for cut and grow again multiple harvests. You can also successfully grow a continuous supply of Grand Rapids outside of the normal growing season by using a cold-frame, light garden or even sunny window! 

Prizehead — Approx.  1,700 sds/pkt. Produces loose-leaved, slightly crumpled, bright green leaves that are edged with a brilliant reddish tone. Stays tender and crisp, boasting a tasty buttery flavour. 


Romaine Lettuce (Parris White Cos) — Approx. 1,250 sds/pkt. Attractive, uniformly shaped heads average 25cm (10") tall with emerald green outer leaves sheltering an inviting, creamy white heart. Sweetly flavoured, good resistance to bolting and tolerance to tip burn. 


Salad BowlSeed Tape – Approx. 100 sds. Produces a nicely formed lettuce with long, medium green, deeply lobed leaves. This is the way to plant seeds perfectly, 2m long, biodegradable tissue strip can be cut to any length to fit any size garden!

OSC® Lettuce Seeds

PriceFrom C$2.19

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