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Best known for its carnivorous eating habits and unique look, Venus Flytrap surely makes an exciting addition to your space! The part that traps flies and other insects is, in fact, a modified leaf with two lip-like blades. Interestingly, each blade grows fringed teeth-like hairs that, when triggered, signals the plant to trap its food. This fun carnivorous plant offers a lot more! With the right conditions, its tall stems will showcase clusters of white flowers. 2.5" pot.

2.5" Venus Flytrap

SKU: 768947225831
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  • Light Levels: This plant prefers a high light location. A bright window facing South, West, East are best.

    Artificial Lighting: This will allow plants to grow during the winter months. Artificial lighting do not exceed 500 w/m2 at leaf level.

    Irrigation: Keep moist. Venus fly trap are a bog plant. If allowed to dry they will go dormant.

    Water Quality: They like chemical free water. Tap water must sit for 24 to 48 hours before it can be used for irrigation. Charcoal filtered water (Brita or similar), Reverse Osmosis, rain water and distilled water are all good.

    Fertilizer: A monthly drop of fertilizer during Spring and Summer is recommended if this plant doesn't have access to insects. When it comes to fertilizer, more is not better. High salts will kill your Venus fly trap.

    Temperature: Normal room temperature of 20ºC to 21ºC is best. If allowed to cool, they will go dormant.

    Soil: Straight peat moss without added fertilizer is good. Long fibered white sphagnum moss will also do a great job. Venus fly traps like a low ph of about 4.5.

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