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Money tree is a fabulous indoor plant that features several trunks braided together and large compound, hand-shaped leaves. In a bright spot, it’s a relatively fast grower, so you can enjoy it as a lovely floor plant for your home or office. It is grown and shipped fresh from our farm direct to your front door.

  • Because it likes to stay moist, money tree is a good choice if you have tended to overwater your houseplants in the past.
  • Can grow more than 10 feet tall over time.

10in. Money Tree

Only 1 left in stock
  • Light: Indirect Sunlight. This plant needs to live in a room with at least some natural light. Place it on a table or countertop with windows nearby.

    Water: This plant can only go 1-2 weeks without water so check on it weekly and add water every time the top two inches of soil dry out.

    Quick Tips:  You can pinch off the tips of each stem as your money tree grows if you want to keep it full and from getting too tall.

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